Thursday 3 September 2015






Wednesday 6 May 2015

Sunday 26 April 2015




Friday 24 April 2015


1. Smart scooter

It's described as the world's first "smart scooter" and has been developed to meet the challenges of rapidly expanding cities. The Gogoro Smartscooter is a zero emissions, electric powered two-wheeler designed to be both user-friendly and accessible to the mass market.
One of the big selling points is that riders won't need to wait to refuel or recharge it. The company has announced plans for the Gogoro Energy Network, a battery swapping infrastructure. That means when the lithium ion cells become depleted, users can make a six-second swap at any GoStation for a fully charged battery pack. Batteries can be reserved in advance, and a subscription-based payment model offers unlimited access to as many charged batteries as needed.
The Smart scooter is packed with 30 on board sensors, cloud connectivity and an integrated Gogoro mobile application that enables the scooter to find the closest GoStation, deliver detailed scooter diagnostics, customized regenerative braking and track ride details.

2. Electronic 'undershoes'

Could strapping a pair of these to your feet be an answer to curbing urban congestion? Given that most traffic moves at an amble, this product from French company Rollkers is claimed to increase a person's average walking speed to up to 7 mph. Company founder Paul Chavand, conceived the idea based largely on the magic feeling he experienced when using the "travelator" or the moving walkway traditionally found in airports.
As he deemed it unfeasible to equip an entire city with travelators, he inverted the problem and focused on integrating the technology into footwear. "People drive and take public transportation that pollutes the air and environment with nasty emissions; and Rollkers helps to reduce that to some extent," he said.
The product is expected to be available for licensees in late 2015.

3. Mobility for the masses

The automotive sector is always out in force at CES and this year was no different. Ford has used the event to announce a series of 25 mobility "experiments" to take place around the world.
In Bangalore, India, Ford is working with Zoomcar to test a sharing concept that would allow small groups  co-workers, apartment dwellers and families  to share a vehicle among multiple drivers. In London and New York, the auto maker is investigating a shareable service of mini-buses offering point-to-point pick-up and drop-off on-demand with the aim of better understanding the social dynamics and routing requirements of shared transportation. Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Ford is working with Georgia Tech on technology that makes it easier for a driver to locate a parking space, reserve it and navigate to the space with the goal of reducing fuel consumption and emissions.

4. Accelerating the hydrogen future

Toyota has followed in the footsteps of Tesla by revealing at CES 2015 that it is making available thousands of hydrogen fuel cell patents royalty-free. The auto giant hopes the initiative will spur development and introduction of innovative fuel cell technologies around the world.
The list includes about 1,970 patents related to fuel cell stacks, 290 associated with high-pressure hydrogen tanks, 3,350 related to fuel cell system software control and 70 patents related to hydrogen production and supply.
Bob Carter, senior vice president of Automotive Operations at Toyota Motor Sales, USA Inc., said: "The first generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, launched between 2015 and 2020, will be critical, requiring a concerted effort and unconventional collaboration between automakers, government regulators, academia and energy providers. By eliminating traditional corporate boundaries, we can speed the development of new technologies and move into the future of mobility more quickly, effectively and economically."

5. Self-driving cars

For Audi, CES was a chance to demonstrate its driverless technology.
An Audi A7 arrived at CES in Las Vegas, Nev., after a 560-mile journey from Silicon Valley, much of it piloted by itself, proving its capability of driving in traffic.
The drive was made possible by a change in California's laws allowing testing of driverless cars on public roads as long as an experienced test driver was in the passenger seat. The concept vehicle used various production-ready sensors as well as sensors integrated into production vehicles today that detect the vehicles surroundings.

6. Wearable environmental monitors

Wearables were center stage at CES, including this, the "wearable enviro tracker" from TZOA.
It incorporates a sensor for measuring air quality, UV as well as other things such as temperature and humidity. Unlike traditional environmental sensors that tend to be large and expensive, this one is designed to be affordable and simply clip to your clothing or bag.
According to TZOA, particles in the air  such as those from vehicle exhausts  have the greatest global environmental effect on human health and is the top metric for air quality levels in highly polluted cities such as Beijing and Delhi. The device alerts you about the state of the air quality with a notification via your smart phone and also uses the data captured to create a street-level pollution map in your community — enabling you to avoid them in the future.

7. Portable solar charger

On the clean energy front, Solpro launched what it says is the industry's fastest portable solar charger, which enables a standard smartphone to be charged in 90 minutes — compared to the typical nine to 20 hours. Small enough to fit in a pocket, Helios Smart allows up to two devices to be charged at one time and works with most smartphones, tablets and other USB-enabled devices.
"We want to make solar charging the new way for consumers to power all of their devices on-the-go and off-the-grid," said Bill Pike, CEO of Solpro. "The idea of solar charging is compelling, but the reality for busy mobile consumers is that it is just not viable for everyday use. Helios Smart has changed all that, and is now the only charging device a person will need for all their on-the-go power. We have moved solar charging beyond the realm of specialty or limited use and brought it to the masses."

8. Smart air-conditioning

A solution to help you get more energy efficient in your home came from start-up Sensibo. It's developed a device that makes a standard remote-controlled air conditioner connected and intelligent, and saves 40 percent on its energy use. It lets users control their air-conditioning with an app that automatically adapts to your lifestyle and changes units settings when appropriate.

9. Connected homes

At CES, Nest announced a raft of more partners to its "Works with Nest" concept. This makes Nest devices compatible and able to interact with other things both inside and outside of your house with the aim of making a smarter, more connected home.
Partnerships have been developed with third party companies including electric vehicle charging company Charge point, which means your thermostat can let your charging station know when energy is in high demand so you can avoid charging your car when electricity is most expensive.
Also, the Kevo Smart Lock from Kwikset Kevo can tell your Nest thermostat who is at home and what temperatures they like or when no one is at home so your thermostat doesn't waste energy.
Which of these technologies do you think has the most promise? Add your thoughts below.


Technology moves at an ever increasing pace and last 

year was no exception. Whilst we saw many emerging 

technologies, 2014 is set to bring them into the 

consumer marketplace....

This article takes a look at some of the most exciting  

technologies you can expect to see more of in the  

coming year.


4k Resolution

4K resolution is a type of high definition display for devices. 

The name refers to it’s horizontal resolution of 4,000 pixels. 

That’s double the resolution of devices that have been available 

until this year.

4k content will start to become readily available with Netflix 

showing off their internet-delivered service at the Consumer 

Electronics Show (CES). Netflix is also now able to stream 4k 

video at a rate comparable to current HD streaming.

With many manufacturers producing 4k TVs and monitors,  

2014 is set to be the year that 4k TV becomes consumer ready. 

There has also been a significant drop in price, making it a 

more accessible offering for mass market consumption.

3D Printing and Scanning

This year will see a vast amount of 3D printer manufacturers 

with many new kickstarters to boot. 3D printers are becoming 

easier to obtain for the average consumer with models now 

available under £1,000. Users can now create 3D models or buy 

them premade from various modeling sites. Companies like 

Makerbot are at the forefront of delivering high quality ready 

made 3D printers that are making it more accessible for 


There are also developments in 3D scanning technology. The 

Sense 3D scanner allows users to scan anything from small 

consumer products including footwear to much larger objects 

and even themselves.

Car Technology

Self driving cars seem like something from the future, 

but recent developments in autonomous driving make it 

a much nearer reality. Audi’s concept A7 Autonomous 

car drove itself onto the stage at the CES show, 

stopping in front of hundreds of spectators. The vehicle 

scans the road ahead using lasers, radar and cameras 

on the windshield which check blind spots. The 

autopilot technology is intended to give drivers a break 

on long journeys. It can also read data from its inbuilt 

GPS to automatically switch indicators on before the 

next turn.

Audi has also developed its Connect system that allows 

the car to have built in Wifi, allowing up to 8 mobile 

devices to connect in car. The inbuilt 3G connection 

allows the car to connect to Google Maps for high 

definition photos of the surrounding area.

Wearable technology

With Google Glass still awaiting a sensible priced release, 

smaller firms will be showing off their own tech-enhanced 


Another pair of smart glasses is the Glassup. It superimposes 

alerts from your phone, directions and other information onto 

the user’s right eye.

Much of the other wearable tech we’ll see this year will be 

focused on fitness with many brands producing bracelets. 

Razor’s Nabu integrates two OLED screens that monitor 

information including your heart rate, how many steps you’ve 

taken and your sleeping habits. The Nabu also sets itself from 

the rest by including motion gesture control which can help 


navigate your smartphone with the flick of a wrist. Many of the 

smart bracelets available give you goals and diet tips along the 

way. Some even incorporate games to compete with your 

friends so you can track who has travelled the furthest or 

burned the most calories.

Augmented Reality

Augmented and virtual reality could be one of the fastest 

growing technologies this year. A few devices were developed 

in the 90’s including the Nintendo’s Virtual Boy. However, it 

failed due to low resolution and motion graphics that caused 

dizziness in users.

Oculus, the company behind the Oculus Rift, started as a 

Kickstarter campaign and after gaining investment now has a 

vast amount of early adopters. The new Oculus Rift Prototype 

dubbed the ‘Crystal Cove’ improves motion tracking, allowing 

for a better and realistic head movement. The added 1080p 

OLED screen provides a much higher resolution. Motion 

sickness has been addressed with users now being able to enjoy 

the Rift for sustained periods of time.

PrioVR have developed a full body exoskeleton suit which users 

can wear to provide full motion capture capability. You can 

run, jump and even crawl with natural movement. Paired with 

the Oculus Rift, this enables a sophisticated experience of the 

virtual world.

Home automation

Homes are also starting to become smarter, tracking 

information about how we live and using that data to provide 

better solutions to our everyday routines. We can expect home 

automation to improve vastly on the devices of last year. In 

2014, the home automation market will rapidly expand as home 

owners find the latest gadgets more accessible.

We’ve already seen many robotic cleaning solutions, but one 

big upgrade we can expect to see this year is the Moneual Rydis 

H68-Pro with the dual setup of hoover and mop combined. This 

robotic cleaner navigates its way around whilst hoovering and 

cleaning up debris. After a thorough clean, it will change into 

mopping mode using cleaning fluids built into its storage tank.

Home security is making progress too, in the form of automatic 

door locking systems. There are already a number of systems 

that can remotely open and lock doors from your smartphone, 

but this year we will see devices that will be compatible with 

more locking mechanisms.

That’s our round-up of technology to keep an eye out for during 

2014. Let us know if you spot any other exciting technologies 

throughout the year!

Thursday 23 April 2015

       2 GM RAM
       7*6 SCREEN


Accidently Dropping A Smart phone in water and then frantically trying anything and everything to recover it.BUTverry Not. Help is here.we tell you how best you can save your smart phone if it has taken a dip in water.... 

Switch It Off.

since chances are that your phone was powered  on when oyu dropped it in water,it is advisable to switch it off immediately after taking it out.switching the phone off will prevent any short circuits from damaging the internals of the phone.

Remove Every Thing.

after switchin off the phone.start removing everything possible from the phone.remove the        BATTERY,       SIM CARDS,       MEMORY CARDS,       STYLUS,       CASE,       COVERS,        SKIN etc...        you can easily wipe these off with a dry cloath so that there is no water conents remains on this items.

Shake It Off.

gently shake the phone to get rid of any water present in the Head Phone Jack,Chargiong Port,or under the Physical Buttons.after this,wipe the phone with a dry cloth,Toilet Paper Or Paper Napkins thoroughly to removeany water present on the exterior. 

Bury It  In Rice.

this is the one of the mostly commonly used known techniques.get an airtight container or a zip lock bag and fill it with uncooked rice.shut the ziplock bag/container tight and keep it in a dry can also try to use oatmeal or silica gel packs. Wait It Out.leave the phone in the rice for atleast 24 to 48 hours,idealy do not even try to take it out to check if it has started working or Not.IF ther was in Too Much Of Water Damage,your phone should start working.If It Still Doesn't Work.please keep in mind that ther is no gurantee that your phone will survive a dunking in water.ther is only a 50% chance of your phone working again.  in case the phone does not work  even after trying out the rice method,take it to an autherised service centre.they will be able to dismantle your phone and assess the damage better.Remember that water damage is not covered in the standard

Be Prepaid.

there are a couple of wise of preventing your phone from getting damaged by water in the first place.     if you are travelling in the rainy season or going to a beach/swimming pool,then you can get a water proof  carry pouch.they are available for a little as RS.150 from E-commerce website.these pouches have a tranparent windows which allow you to see incoming notifications.

Get Insurence.

 while standard warranty does not cover water damage, there are thirt party insurence availabe that offer such coverage.there are various optons available,we recomended you try out ingram micro cover plus or syska gudjet secure.they have plans started at RS.500/- you can choose what all need cover for, including liquid damage.